I am Jose MarĂ­a Ezquiaga, Assistant Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute. Previously I was a NASA Einstein Fellow at the University of Chicago. I obtained my PhD at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

My research focuses on probing the Universe with gravitational waves. In particular, I work to unveil the nature of Dark Energy, test general relativity, search for gravitational wave lensing and understand the origin of the observed black-holes. At the Niels Bohr Institute, I lead the LIGO group and I am a senior member of the new DNRF center of excellence "The Center of Gravity".

In this webpage you can find more details about our group at the Niels Bohr Institute. There is also information about my general research interests, my CV and slides/videos to recent talks. For codes related to my work, please visit my github page.

If you are a student you can find course materials and presentation slides here. I also maintain a github repository with useful tutorials that you might be interested in checking out.

Here you can also find information about outreach and community-engagement projects in which I've been involved and recent news.

Finally, if you are interested in joining our group, you can find more information here.

Jose Maria Ezquiaga

Assistant Professor
Niels Bohr Institute